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Course Details

Ali Hamdaam
Islamic Scholar
Price: 30

The Program instills justice in the hearts of our young leaders. Al Aqsa Masjid has been an important political subject.

The course will educate the young leaders to know the history of Al Aqsa to understand its importance to our faith; Al Aqsa Masjid played a significant role in the life of Prophet Mohammadﷺ.

The main reason was that the masjid was home to many Prophets before Prophet Mohammadﷺ went there, and it was the center of preaching monotheism. The Night Journey miracle at Al Aqsa. Al Aqsa was the Muslims’ first direction they prayed (Qiblah). It was changed to Kaaba by Allah shortly after the Prophet’s Hijrah to Madina.

For four weeks in English and Arabic, the courses were given to all ages.

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