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Course Details

Ali Hamdaam
Islamic Scholar
Price: 30

Prophet Mohammad ﷺ is the most influential person in human history (The 100, by Michael Hart), emulated in the most private, subtle, uniqueness of his life.

The six to eight-week course offered in English and Arabic digs deep into the Prophet’s physical and emotional characteristics.

He was the educator who was never ashamed to say, “I do not know.” He was the general who would allow others to share his riding animal. He was the busiest statesman who would allow a mentally ill lady to take him by the hand for her needs. He was the elder who would compete with the youth to carry the bricks of the first mosque. The Prophetﷺ was the considerate husband who noticed subtle signs of his wife being upset with him.

The course will influence us to emulate the Prophetﷺ in private and  public sector.

The Program is offered in English and Arabic for adults and youth. The course uses visual aides, discussion and dialogue, and Kahoot at the end of every session

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