[email protected] +(00) 123-345-11

Course Details

The Program is to instill faith (Iman) in the hearts of Muslim children worldwide.

The course would focus on one of Allah’s Beautiful Names and Attributes, using inspiring videos, photos, dialogue, discussion, and Kahoot trivia.

The Program’s primary purpose is to inspire our Muslim children to learn about Allah’s names, love Allah, and then inspire them to live by His Beautiful Names and Attributes to connect to Him.

Allah revealed the Prophetﷺ to the first Muslims about God-consciousness (taqwa), sincerity (ikhlas), and Faith (Iman). It was not until the hearts of the first Muslims became strong with true Iman did Allah begin introducing the next concept – Islam, to the Muslims. The Program tries to nourish the faith of the Muslim children’s hearts.

The meeting consists of storytelling about our beloved Prophetﷺ and his companions living those attributes.

The course was offered for the first time in Ramadan 2021 for the entire month twice a week and is now in progress.

Who is Allah? Part 2 once a week in Ramadan 2022. The Program is a Ramadan Course we offer for ages five to seventeen years old in Arabic and English.

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