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Course Details

Ali Hamdaam
Islamic Scholar
Price: 30

The course is a two-year program; the Program starts with the history of previous Prophetsﷺ, previous religions, the story of Mecca, and the history of the Kaaba establishment.

The Program gives a thorough history of the Prophet’s ancestors and their leadership of change in Arabia before the birth of our beloved Prophet’s life.

The love story of his father and mother, to the miracle of his birth, to his childhood events, from his first job as a shepherd to his business trade, his character known before Revelation as an honest man, to his love story with the love of his life Khadija, The Pure.

The Program details the Prophet’s character before Revelation as honest, fair in disputes, caring for the lower class, feeding the needy, caring for orphans, and being there for the widows.

Al Biatha: The Program shifts from the Prophetﷺ isolating himself at the age of thirty-eight in Ghar Hira during the month of Ramadan in solitude to contemplate and connect with nature. As we go through the Revelation to the Prophet’s Mission in Mecca, we take lessons from the Prophet’s Mission in planning, patience, perseverance, optimism, and mercy. Lessons from each session to emulate in our daily lives.

The program shifts to Hijrah planning and the trust of Allah to establish Madina with love, mercy, brotherhood, and as one nation.

In the Program, The Biography of Prophet Mohammadﷺ, you will learn, love, and live like our beloved Prophet ﷺ. He was living a mindful and purposeful life.

Our goal is emulating the Prophetﷺ through hardship and success, losses and gains, sadness and happiness.

The course is offered in English and Arabic for all ages using visual aides, discussion and dialogue, Kahoot at the end of every session.

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