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Course Details

Ali Hamdaam
Islamic Scholar
Price: 30

The course is a youth-driven motive to motivate our youth to look at the youth companions’ value-driven lives during the Prophet’s life.

The program is a two-week program offered twice a week focusing on the achievements of the youth as leaders inspired to grow during the Prophet’s life and after he passes.

The achievements and success they lead our Ummah to growth and leadership in their personalities. Abdallah ibn Abbas, Ali ibn Abu Talib, Osama ibn Zayad, and Abdallah ibn Omar are young companions nurtured by the Prophet’s love, mercy, compassion, and leadership, inspiring our youth to follow in their footsteps with our love, compassion, and leadership emulating our beloved Prophetﷺ.

The Program was offered in English and Arabic for ages ten to thirteen years old.

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